0468 331 191
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Relationship Therapist & Coach

Relationship Therapist

Are you contemplating dating, marriage, or even separation? It is human nature to want to share our life with someone special, but sometimes, it doesn’t quite work out as planned.

If you have a relationship concern or simply need a relationship “tune up”, therapy can be the best option. Jo understands the principles of successful relationships, which may help you and your partner identify areas in need of attention. Practical solutions will follow in treatment. Sometimes, a few sessions to help couples communicate better may be needed in every relationship, not just troubled ones. If you fall into a rut of discussions rapidly turning into arguments that never get anywhere, or find that old issues get dragged-up again and again without moving forward, then seeing a clinical psychologist may help to break old habits and find better pathways to effective communication.

For those in the dating scene or those considering dating, Jo has developed an evidence-based program called Date Rite© aimed at helping you pick the most stable and compatible partner for you. Ask her about it today!

Contact Jo

Ask a question or book your FREE initial phone consult.

11 + 3 =

0468 331 191

50 Sorrell Street, North Parramatta NSW 2151


"Warm, compassionate, non-judgmental evidence-based therapy"

“Turn towards your partner, instead of away”

The Gottman Institute

“Mental health recovery is a journey not a destination”

"A problem shared is a problem halved"

“Getting better is like being able to see clearly again”

Former Patient of Clinical Psychology and More